Vital Direct - Addressing Low Testosterone in Men

Testosterone is a male hormone which is produced primarily in the testicles. It is a vital hormone to men, helping them to maintain their bone density, muscle strength and mass, fat distribution, red blood cell production, facial and body hair, sex drive and sperm production. A deficiency of this vital hormone in males, testosterone, therefore leads to problems with sex drive, sperm production and all the aforementioned. Low testosterone levels in men is commonly referred to as “low T”. At Vital Medical Care, we see a significant number of males come in with low levels of testosterone for Low T treatment in Tampa Florida . The reason for low testosterone is primarily aging, as levels peak during adolescence and early adult years. Testosterone declines about one percent a year after age 30 or 40. The gradual drop in testosterone from ages 40 to 55 is known as “andropause” or male menopause. This decline is normal and natural and cannot be avoided. Lifestyle factors like h...