Vital Direct Primary Care's weight loss clinic in Tampa Florida


 Vital Direct Primary Care is a leading weight loss clinic in Tampa, Florida. Over forty percent of Americans are obese according to a Trust for America’s Health Report, with Hispanic Americans having a higher rate. At the root of this obesity is the American diet. These two combined are at the root of a number of serious illnesses such as hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, coronary heart disease, stroke, gallbladder disease and more.

 Experienced weight loss specialists at Vital Direct Primary Care are here to help our clients lose weight and control diseases caused by their obesity such as hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol and others. Our weight loss plans are personalized and created just for you, to deal with your specific cravings, desired foods, and so on. Our weight loss treatments are supervised by a provider to make sure you stay on track and reach your weight loss goals.

 We realize calorie restriction is not enough. We take into consideration your underlying medical conditions, food choices, budget, and your short and long term weight goals. This customized and comprehensive program is tailored for each of our clients.

 At Vital Direct, our weight loss clinic in Tampa, Florida provides ongoing support to keep you motivated during your weight loss journey. Included in the custom weight loss plan is an initial weight loss evaluation plan which must be in person at the clinic in Tampa, a custom nutrition plan, a nutrition education plan, prescribed weight loss medication, exercise guidance and more. Monthly appointments are kept online or in person, where progress is measured and any issues patients encounter are addressed.

 At Vital Direct Primary Care’s weight loss clinic in Tampa, Florida , provider Carolina Jones is certified in Obesity Medicine through the Obesity Medicine Association. Having lost 100lbs herself, she prides herself in being able to relate to the challenges many face during their weight loss journey. As a busy mom of 3 young children, Carolina has developed a program that is easy, sustainable, most importantly works!



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